Mystic Slot - No Way Back / Disco Adventure 12" EP
Excellent disco edit / boot from unknown source. I pulled this transcript from a cool live/studio-audience interview that Red Bull Music Academy did with Black Cock's DJ Harvey back in 2005...
Gerd Janson (moderator)
You’ve also been responsible for the first wave of disco edits being made in Europe on a little label called Black Cock.
DJ Harvey
Um, yeah. Black Cock is flaccid as we speak. [audience laughter] We haven’t been active for some time. We started in the very early ’90s, as a direct result of my relationship with Larry. He played an edit of South Shore Commission’s “Free Man,” which I wanted to get hold of and then I worked out how he’d got the version, because there was a tape edit cut onto acetate. I looked into that and then my first edit was of South Shore Commission – “Free Man,” basically trying to make the version I’d heard Larry play. Then we – that’s me and my partner Gerry Rooney – went onto release I think seven volumes of the Black Cock re-edits of various disco stuff and obscure cosmic, Balearic, whatever you want to call it music.
Gerd Janson
Maybe you can play us some.
DJ Harvey
This is the first ever, even though it’s number seven. Someone actually called us up and asked where the other six were. Comical. This is the one that goes for the money, so we’ll play this. I’ve heard this has been up to 300 bucks on good old eBay...
Audience Member
Is this a bootleg also because the same track once edit? The intro is missing.
DJ Harvey
Um, no. It’s not a... We didn’t licence the track. In that way it’s a bootleg. The edit is my edit. I think various DJs have done edits of this track including Theo Parrish, Ron Hardy and myself.
Gerd Janson
It’s Adele’s.
DJ Harvey
Yeah, it’s Adele’s “No Way Back.” It’s a famous track to edit. I haven’t heard the Ron Hardy one, I’d quite like to get my hands on that. Someone’s put out I think it’s called Ron... What’d they-
Audience Member
Ron’s Edits.
DJ Harvey
Right. I imagine that Ron Hardy had re-edited it before me. I think that in the last, I think the Theo Parrish one is more recent and there’s been, you know, other versions.
Audience Member
What year is it from?
DJ Harvey
The original track?
Audience Member
No, the edit.
DJ Harvey
When did I do it? Like ‘92, something like ‘91-’92.
Audience Member
How did you do it?
DJ Harvey
By cutting tape.
Audience Member
You cut tape on all of that?
DJ Harvey
Yeah. It’s not that complicated. That particular one, there’s only 20-30 edits on it.
Gerd Janson
Maybe you could explain to them how a reel-to-reel machine works.
DJ Harvey
You get the record, record it onto reel-to-reel tape, run the tape off, mark the section before the beat to cut, cut it, run it through again to the end of the section. Then you’ve got a piece of tape which is hanging round your neck. Record another one, make two, then stick them together in a big loop, have a cotton reel and a pencil, record that loop onto another. At the time I didn’t have two tape machines, I had a DAT machine. I recorded that loop onto the DAT, played that back onto the tape and so on and so on, build up and have different sections and stick them together.
Gerd Janson
How long did it take for you to do an edit?
DJ Harvey
Just one night, but all night...