GREYMOUTH - "Telepathic Dunce" CS

GREYMOUTH - "Telepathic Dunce" CS

Careful Catalog
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Greymouth - Telepathic Dunce CS (Careful Catalog, 2020)

"Bristling with home office psychedelia, breadboard rippers, alloyed twang, Pacific tumult, and dial-a-downers, Telepathic Dunce marks the duo of Mark Sadgrove and Mark Anderson’s stately return to an increasingly troubled landscape, as seen from their base in Tokyo. Across eleven configurations, pocket-sized speakers are pushed beyond limits, perpetually buzzed and deisolated from modest housing; bottom of the world riffs tumble into logjam behind a current of boomy, semi-semantic Kiwi croon. A dense Wine Cellar vapor floods the tatami room, tin can and cardboard microphones everywhere. Big-brained ingenuity has afforded Greymouth a shed of unconventional tools. Fortunately, they’ve no timidity about dragging technology through the gutter. Gracefully doing everything the wrong way, as is their way." - Careful Catalog