MEMOTONE - "Clever Dog" CS

MEMOTONE - "Clever Dog" CS

Accidental Meetings
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Memotone - Clever Dog CS (Accidental Meetings, 2022)

"The next installment for the Accidental Meetings is headed up by the critically acclaimed artist, memotone. Following previous work for entities such as Black Acre, Disktopia & Termina. Not to mention supplying instrumentation for Batu's debut album, and scoring works for Palace Skateboards.

The multi-instrumentalist showcases his entire repertoire within Clever Dog, thirteen emotive and ambitious tracks traversing between back-alley jazz, low-slung experimental & blissful ambient oddities.

memotone's discography is vast, however, this release truly stands out as a masterpiece. Enough words - giz it a whirl." - AM