SUN RA - "Church Organ, 1948" LP

SUN RA - "Church Organ, 1948" LP

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Sun Ra - Church Organ, 1948 LP (unofficial, 2014)

"Sun Ra first solo homemade recordings eerie-ly recorded onto a reel to reel in the beyond dark ages of 1948. now that ra is 100 and floating in the interstellar space: here is the blueprint of his trademark glee-spree sprawl dipped into the cosmic glitter of nothingness, alone in a empty church with nothing but his vivid and endless imagination to co-pilot.  if the "carnival of souls" soundtrack by genius gene moore is enough to make you want to take it with you forever & drive off a bridge: heres more smiling golems of interplanetary lost-world haunts to pepper your eerie day.

Fairly “inzane”~looking issue of this short suite of recordings made on reel-to-reel by sun ra in 1948 in a “mysterious location” running through standards (and an “abstract original”) on a fully-fledged church organ, predating his more outré tendencies by a good few years. nice, crispy, overloaded recording spec lends a harmonic richness & claustrophobic weight to the proceedings.” - Mimaroglu