The Web - Fruit Bat Republic CD (Ear X-Tacy, 1998)
Lone CD full-length (to my knowledge) from Louisville art-rock/post-punk/experimental confusion crew THE WEB, ft. Jason Hayden of Crain/Speed To Roam and other usual suspects from Louisville's indie/underground elite of that era.
This is some late '90s dead-stock from Ear X-Tacy Records (yep, the store ran a label as well. It was...not great, by my findings). Apparently there's even a "CD-ROM" component to this (how very 1998!). Though I have not yet attempted to explore these features, I can only hope it's a DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D style FPS wherein the player hunts, I dunno, maybe the racist ghost of Colonel Sanders? Kentucky's MLB pitcher turned Republican senator Jim Bunning? Ian Svenonius' character from Half-Cocked? Either way, the music is enjoyable...